Year 11 Topics Map
Term 1a |
Term 1b |
Term 2a |
Term 2b |
Term 3a |
Term 3b |
English |
Language: Creative Reading (Paper 1 Qs 1 and 2) Creative Writing (Q5) |
Language: Reading NonFiction (Paper 2 Qs 1 and 2). Writing to Argue |
Language: Creative Reading (Paper 1 Qs 3 and 4) Creative Writing |
Language: Reading NonFiction (Paper 2 Qs 3 and 4) Writing to Explain |
Language: Creative Reading (Paper 1 Q4) Writing to Explain |
Language: Reading NonFiction (Paper 2 Q4) Creative Writing |
Maths |
The 4 Operations
Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages (Ratio)
Position, Direction and Map Reading Skills (D of E). |
Art |
Impressionism, Nature Monet, Cezanne, Van Gogh & Renoir (NEA) |
Impressionism Nature (NEA Continued) |
Prepare for Examination (Qs issued Jan 2nd every year) |
Exam Prep continued Exam undertaken (10 hours over 2 days- off timetable) |
NEA completion |
Transition for KS 5/college |
Computing & ICT |
Pre-production documents |
Pre-production documents |
Creating Digital Graphics |
Creating Digital Graphics |
R081 revision |
Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation |
Programming project |
Programming project |
Computer Systems |
Computational thinking, algorithms and programming |
Computer systems and Thinking Revision |
Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation |
D of E |
Introduction to the award |
Physical section - Sport and Leisure |
Volunteer section - Community work
Skills section (Italian) |
Expedition Preparation Camp craft |
Expedition preparation Navigation |
Food Studies |
Rice/Quick Cooked Meats |
Fish/Salads |
Puddings/baking |
Complete portfolio |
Recall and Refresh Recipes from Year 10 and 11 Quiz and Recipe tasks |
Accreditations/Portfolios for moderation |
Media Studies |
Newspapers (The Times 05/03/21, The Mirror 05/03/21) |
Television (His Dark Materials S2 Ep1 & Dr Who Ep 1) |
NEA Released 1st March one year preceding exam |
NEA Revision |
Revision |
Examinations Preparation |
World of work Preparation for work experience |
World of Work Preparation for FE |
The community Community organisations |
Home management |
Health & Survival - First Aid - Navigation skills |
Health & Survival Camp outside and cook a meal |
PE |
Athletics |
Football & Table Tennis |
Fitness & Basketball |
Hockey & Handball |
Cricket & Badminton |
Dodgeball & Tennis |
Self-care, support and safety (Participating in an Outdoor Learning Activity) |
Self-care, support and safety (Keeping Safe Online, Accidents and Risks) |
Changing and growing (Friendships, Long term relationships and parenthood) |
The world I live in (Preparing for adulthood) |
Managing feelings (Self-esteem & unkind comments, Romantic feelings & sexual attraction) |
Accreditations/Portfolios for moderation |
Science |
Biology: Environment, evolution & inheritance (What are the feeding relationships between living organisms?) |
Biology: Environment, evolution and inheritance (What determines where particular species live? / How life has developed) |
Chemistry: Chemistry in our world (Reactions of Acids / Energy and rate of reaction / Water for drinking) |
Chemistry: Chemistry in our world (Earth’s Atmosphere / Fuels and human impacts on the atmosphere |
Physics: Electricity, magnetism and waves (Magnetism and electromagnetism / Types of waves / Electromagnetic waves) |
Transition for KS 5/college |