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Year 11 Topics Map

Term 1a 

Term 1b 

Term 2a 

Term 2b 

Term 3a 

Term 3b 


Language: Creative Reading (Paper 1 Qs 1 and 2)

Creative Writing (Q5) 

Language: Reading NonFiction (Paper 2 Qs 1 and 2). Writing to Argue 

Language: Creative Reading (Paper 1 Qs 3 and 4) Creative Writing 

Language: Reading NonFiction (Paper 2 Qs 3 and 4) Writing to Explain 

Language: Creative Reading (Paper 1 Q4) 

Writing to Explain 

Language: Reading NonFiction (Paper 2 Q4)

Creative Writing




The 4 Operations


Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages (Ratio)






Position, Direction and Map Reading Skills

(D of E).


Impressionism, Nature

   Monet, Cezanne, Van Gogh & Renoir  (NEA)



(NEA Continued)

Prepare for Examination

(Qs issued Jan 2nd every year)

Exam Prep continued Exam undertaken (10 hours over 2 days- off timetable)

NEA completion

Transition for  KS 5/college

Computing & ICT

Pre-production documents

Pre-production documents

Creating Digital Graphics

Creating Digital Graphics

R081 revision

Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation

Programming project 

Programming project

Computer Systems

Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

Computer systems and Thinking Revision

Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation

D of E


  Introduction to the award 

Physical section  - Sport and Leisure              

Volunteer section - Community work



  Skills  section (Italian)

Expedition Preparation

Camp craft 

Expedition preparation


Food Studies

Rice/Quick Cooked Meats



Complete portfolio

Recall and Refresh  Recipes from Year 10 and 11  Quiz and Recipe tasks

Accreditations/Portfolios for moderation

Media Studies


(The Times 05/03/21,

The Mirror 05/03/21)


(His Dark Materials S2 Ep1 & Dr Who Ep 1)


Released 1st March one year preceding  exam




Examinations Preparation 


World of work

Preparation for work experience 

World of Work

Preparation for FE 

The community

Community organisations

Home management 

Health & Survival

 - First Aid

- Navigation skills

Health & Survival

Camp outside and cook a meal



Football & Table Tennis

Fitness & Basketball

Hockey & Handball

Cricket & Badminton

Dodgeball & Tennis


Self-care, support and safety

(Participating in an Outdoor Learning Activity)

Self-care, support and safety

(Keeping Safe Online, Accidents and Risks)

Changing and growing

(Friendships, Long term relationships and parenthood)

The world I live in

(Preparing for adulthood)

Managing feelings

(Self-esteem & unkind comments, Romantic feelings & sexual attraction)

Accreditations/Portfolios for moderation 


Biology: Environment, evolution & inheritance (What are the feeding relationships between living organisms?)

Biology: Environment, evolution and inheritance (What determines where particular species live? /  How life has developed)

Chemistry: Chemistry in our world (Reactions of Acids / Energy and rate of reaction / Water for drinking) 

Chemistry: Chemistry in our world (Earth’s Atmosphere /  Fuels and human impacts on the atmosphere

Physics: Electricity, magnetism and waves  (Magnetism and electromagnetism / Types of waves / Electromagnetic waves)

Transition for  KS 5/college