Garratt Park School

• Growth • Progress • Success
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School Opening Hours & Timings Of The School Day

Total time: 32.5 hours per week

Notes about our school day:

Breakfast club opens from 8.15 in the dining hall where students are given a free bagel, juice or cereal.

Since more than half of our students use local authority transport, we have a soft start to the day. This means that areas for students are supervised from 8.30 and students will continue to arrive between this time and 9am.

Tutor bases open at 8.50 and all students on site should go to their classroom at this time to start the day.

The rest of the day is split into 9 lessons with a broad curriculum and further tutor periods which are time for both reflection and SMSC development.

Students will be dismissed at 3pm either to parents, local authority transport or to independently make their own way with parent permission.

After school clubs are free but by application only.   Students who are taking part in clubs will remain on site and collected at 4pm.

Further information about timetables and school clubs will be sent to all families in September.