Picture News
8th July 2019
What’s going on this week?
Heathrow Airport has unveiled its £30 billion expansion plans with a third runway set to open by 2026. Many campaigners have warned the project will cause 30 years of inconvenience and long-term damage. The plans include lowering the M25 motorway for the third runway to cross, diverting rivers and moving roads, with campaigners warning of the environmental impact.
Campaign groups opposed to the development reacted angrily.
"Heathrow's plans are laughable," said Robert Barnstone, campaign co-ordinator of Stop Heathrow Expansion. "Not only does it want to disrupt people's lives for up to 30 years whilst building this new runway, but now proposes jumbo-size car parks whilst pledging to reduce the number of people using cars at the airport."
Supporters of the new runway have said it would help to reduce fares of tickets, lead to fewer delays, and allow travel to more daily destinations.
This week’s news story: www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-48668001
This week’s useful video: http://bit.ly/305RfYP
Main question:
How important is it to travel?
Listen, think, share
• Read through the story and talk about our own experiences of travel. Talk about the last long journey we went on. Where was it to and what was it for?
• Talk about the plans to expand Heathrow airport. Do we think it should go ahead? Talk about the reasons why.
• Do you enjoy travelling? Why? Discuss what you think are some of the pros and cons of travelling and the impact on the wider world.
• Talk about the differences between essential and non-essential travel. Talk about things like travelling for charity work or as part of a gap year to gain life experience.
• Do you enjoy travelling? Why? Discuss what you think are some of the pros and cons of travelling and the impact on the wider world.
• According to the proposals, 761 homes are expected to be taken down to make way for the new runway, including the entire village of Longford. Plans to alleviate the effects of expansion include property compensation (with homeowners getting the open market value of their home plus 25 per cent extra), noise insulation funding, improved public transport links and a 6.5-hour ban on scheduled night flights. Do you think these steps are a sufficient resolution for the people who live in this area? Why?
Further questions for discussion
• Do you think another runway should be built at Heathrow?
• Talk about your preferred way to travel for different journeys. What kind of things might influence your choice? E.g. time taken, cost etc.