Garratt Park School

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London Zoo Trip

As part of the Great Initiative for World Autism Awareness Week, Garratt Park School was contacted by ZSL London Zoo to arrange a trip for young people on the Autistic spectrum and their parents/carers to visit the zoo and take part in an informal consultation. The aim was to help London Zoo become more Autistic friendly in the future by hearing the views of parents/carers and their child.

It was a long day but thoroughly enjoyable after all the exploring, all agreed that the day was a success and very enjoyable.


We really hope that London Zoo will take on some of the suggestions made by our parents and their child. We would also like to thank London Zoo for inviting us along and hope that we have contributed towards the Great Initiative helping London Zoo become more Autistic friendly for other Autistic visitors in the future.

Some of the suggestions from parents and their child to help London Zoo be more Autistic friendly included:

  • Adding a colour code or shape code to the maps and path signs to help people navigate around the zoo easier.
  • Including a quiet area to the zoo for people experiencing sensory overload or just wanting to get away from large crowds and noises at the zoo.
  • Giving out or offering sensory packs (e.g. ear defenders, earplugs, sunglasses, visors etc.) as you enter the zoo.
  • Introducing audio tours as there is a lot of reading to do.
  • Options for people with Autism/Special Needs to wear SEN badges as this would help to raise awareness amongst staff members and other visitors at the zoo.