Garratt Park School

• Growth • Progress • Success
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Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all of our students are able to grow in order to play a positive role in today’s society and achieve success in whatever form it takes.

Our curriculum is structured around three strands.  

  • Traditional Curriculum 
    • This includes subjects that form the national curriculum and are taught in all mainstream schools
    • They include: English (inc Media & Film), Maths, PSHE, ICT, Science, Humanities, Expressive Arts (Art, Music, Drama), D&T, PE
    • All subjects have a clear route for progression which is presented in a Visual Learning Journey
    • All subjects have medium term plans in place for each topic 
    • All subjects in Years 7 - 11 have a Personal Subject Target (PST) tracker that is used to evaluate progress each term
    • All subjects work towards an accreditation at the end of KS4 (Entry Level and Level 1) and KS5 (Entry Level - Level 2) according to their Progression Pathway

SLT Oversight: Mark Bowman 

  • Personal Development Curriculum 
    • This includes subjects that we offer and include on our timetable at GPS to develop independence and prepare our students for life outside school
    • They include: Duke of Edinburgh, PDP, Life Skills, Food, Careers & Work Skills, Personal Finance, Health & Fitness and Work Experience
    • All subjects have a clear route for progression which is presented in a Visual Learning Journey
    • All subjects work towards an accreditation at the end of KS4 and KS5 (eg Duke of Edinburgh/ ASDAN suite) at a level according to their Progression Pathway
    • Medium term planning is more flexible and adapted to the needs of the class 
    • Progress is assessed at intervals throughout the year  using the criteria set by the awarding body

SLT Oversight: Laura Ward

  • Complementary Curriculum 
    • This includes provision to reduce barriers to learning and meet the requirements of the EHCP delivered by therapists or specialists
    • This includes: SACS (Social And Communication Skills), Literacy, Numeracy, Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational therapy, Social & Emotional support, Learning Skills,  Drama Therapy, Movement
    • Some are universal (ie offered to a whole class/year) and built into the timetable and some are targeted (ie offered to small groups or individuals on a time limited basis)
    • Pupils are set targets for the programme and these are measured and tracked using Edukey software.  
    • Progress feeds directly into the EHCP annual review and is shared with students and families, as well as being tracked across the school in relation to progress in other subjects 
    • Some students require provision from an outside provider on a longer term programme to meet their needs (eg medical) known as alternative provision

SLT Oversight: Abbi Hawkes

  • Different cohorts may have different weightings of traditional, personal development and complementary curriculum on their timetable.
  • We are developing an increasing our use of options in 6th Form and Key Stage 4
  • ARC (Additional Resource Centre - so called because of the increased levels of staffing, space, resources and expertise) have a greater amount of time dedicated to the personal development curriculum and additional needs curriculum integrated into their timetabled lessons.
  • All of our curriculum strands have a practical, real life focus so that we encourage students to transfer skills
  • Sometimes students may need an amended curriculum because of special circumstances or individual needs such as a 
  • SMSC development runs across all curriculum and daily tutor sessions including our commitment to RRSA