3GS Topics Map
Term 1a |
Term 1b |
Term 2a |
Term 2b |
Term 3a |
Term 3b |
English (Y1, 2 and 3 rolling programme) |
All About Me / Black History |
Environment |
1066 & Castles |
Witches & Wizards |
Journey Through Time |
London / Sports |
Gothic Horror Creative Writing |
Shakespeare |
Weather/Nature Poetry |
Creative Writing |
Short stories |
Functional Writing |
Gothic Horror Creative Writing |
Shakespeare |
Weather/Nature Poetry |
Creative Writing |
Short stories |
Functional Writing |
Maths |
Number (Counting/ Read and Write numbers/ Place Value/ Number properties) |
Number (Addition and Subtraction/ Multiplication) |
Number (Division/ Fractions and decimals) |
Number (Ratio and Proportion) Measures (Time/Money) |
Geometry (Properties of 2D & 3D Shapes) (Position, Direction & Movement) (Angles and Lines) |
Measures (Perimeter, Area & Volume) (Measuring quantities) Statistics (Representing and Interpreting Data) |
Art |
Aboriginal Art |
Aboriginal Art |
Colour And Pattern |
Colour And Pattern |
The Seaside |
The Seaside |
Computing & ICT |
Using ICT to display information |
Using ICT to find information |
Using ICT to communicate information |
Using ICT to produce charts |
Using ICT to present information |
Using ICT to make a quiz |
Food Studies |
Introduction to Food Studies Recall and Refresh Yrs 8,9 |
Bread and Bread Products |
Snacks/lunch |
Mince (Meat/Veggie) |
World Foods |
Baking/Cakes Refresh and Recall |
Humanities (Y1, 2 and 3 rolling programme) |
About me |
London |
The Great Plague & The Fire of London |
Environment & Nature |
Kings and Queens |
Witches and Wizards |
Festivals and Celebrations |
Victorians |
Travel and Tourism |
Life SKills |
Discovering Me |
Leisure |
Financial Capability |
Home Management |
Around London |
Away from home |
PE |
Paralympic sports & Multi Skills & Basketball football |
Swimming |
Swimming |
Tennis & Cricket |
Athletics & Rounders |
Self-Awareness (Personal strengths, Skills for learning, Prejudice and discrimination, Managing pressure) |
Managing Feelings (Self-esteem & unkind comments,Strong feelings) |
Healthy Lifestyles (Elements of a healthy lifestyles, Mental wellbeing, Physical activity, Healthy eating, Body image, Medicinal drugs) |
Changing and Growing (Puberty, Friendship, Healthy/unhealthy relationship behaviours) |
Self-Care, Support and Safety (Feeling unwell, Feeling frightened/worried, Accidents and risk, Keeping safe online, Emergency situations) |
The World I Live In (Diversity, rights and responsibilities, Managing online information, Taking care of the environment,) |
Whole body listening / Attention Autism |
Self awareness/Awareness of others |
Zones of Regulation /Colourful semantics |
Zones of Regulation /Colourful semantics |
Concepts Focus - prepositions, same/different, fast/slow, loud/quiet, full/empty |
Interaction skills through paired/small group activities. |
Science (Y1, 2 and 3 rolling programme) |
(Lab safety) Biology: The Human Body |
Biology: Living things and their habitats |
Chemistry: Uses of everyday materials |
Chemistry: Mixtures Combustion |
Physics: Seasonal Change |
Physics Light |
(Lab safety) Biology: The Human Body |
Biology: Plants |
Chemistry: Acids & Alkalis |
Chemistry: Rocks |
Physics: Forces |
Physics: Electricity |
(Lab safety) Biology: The Human Body |
Biology: Animals |
Chemistry: Atoms, Elements and Compounds |
Chemistry: Making Materials |
Physics: Sound |
Physics: Earth and Space |