11th September 2024
The school site will be closed tomorrow, Thursday 12th September, due to the fluctuating air quality in school.
There will be a remote learning offer for all students. This will be via Google Classroom which can be accessed from any device including a phone. All students should have their logins but if they don't or if there are any problems, please contact ict@garrattpark.wandsworth. sch.uk
There will be work available from 11am for all the subjects on the timetable for their class. Timetables are available on our website.
Please note, these will be tasks only, not live lessons and will not run to set times. Teachers and LSAs will be around to help throughout the school day if they use the 'chat' function on subject Classroom. We realise that not all students have access to a device, so this is an offer only and not compulsory.